import { SVG, SVG2 } from './esveegee'
import { Colors } from './colors.js'
import { cap, join, miterLimit } from './complex.js'
import { shaper } from './shaper.js'
import { ataxx, chess } from './checkers.js'
import { diagram } from './diagram.js'
import { timeline } from './timeline.js'
import * as Animation from './animation.js'
const compositionTest = SVG2()
.rect(10, 20).position(10, 20)
.line(10, 10, 150, 200).stroke('red')
const drawers = new Map([
['line', (s: SVG) => s.line(10, 10, 90, 50)],
['circle', (s: SVG) =>, 31.25, 20)],
['path', (s: SVG) => s.path('M 5 40 C 20 5, 32 5, 45 40 S 55 55, 80 40')],
['polygon', (s: SVG) => s.polygon(16, 56, 36, 40, 36, 60, 60, 16)],
['polyline', (s: SVG) => s.polyline(16, 56, 36, 40, 36, 60, 60, 16)],
['rect', (s: SVG) => s.rect(16, 16, 50, 30)],
['group', (s: SVG) =>, 16).draggable()
.circle(20, 20, 15).fill(Colors.Uluru).draggable()
.rect(20, 20, 30, 20).fill(Colors.SeaBlue)],
['stroke', (s: SVG) => s.rect(16, 16, 50, 30).stroke(Colors.Uluru)],
['fill', (s: SVG) => s.rect(16, 16, 50, 30).fill(Colors.Uluru).stroke()],
['stroke-width', (s: SVG) => s.line(16, 25, 50, 50).width(5)],
['pattern', (s: SVG) => s.pattern(s.line(16, 16, 70, 70)).rect(16, 16, 50, 30).fill('hatch-1')],
['text', (s: SVG) => s.text('esviegee', 10, 40).size(18).fill().stroke(Colors.Uluru)],
['text-stroke', (s: SVG) => s.text('esviegee', 10, 40).size(18).fill().stroke(Colors.Uluru).width(1.5)],
// complex
['html', (s: SVG) => s.html('HTML can be used in SVG',
0, 0, 80, 80)],
['draggable', (s: SVG) => + 16, 35, 25).fill(Colors.SeaBlue).draggable()],
['sizeable', (s: SVG) => + 16, 35, 25).fill(Colors.SeaBlue).sizeable()],
['grid', (s: SVG) => s.grid(10, 10, 16.5, 16.5)],
['cap', (s: SVG) => cap(s)],
['join', (s: SVG) => join(s)],
['miter-limit', (s: SVG) => miterLimit(s)],
['chess', (s: SVG) => chess(s)],
['ataxx', (s: SVG) => ataxx(s)],
['shaper1', (s: SVG) => shaper(s)],
// TODO probably .editor() to create individual nodes that can be dragged
['shaper2', (s: SVG) => s.polyline(16, 300, 50, 100, 120, 250, 200, 250, 300, 300 - 16).draggable()],
['timeline', (s: SVG) => timeline(s)],
['diagram', (s: SVG) => diagram(s)],
// media
['audio', (s: SVG) =>'audio.ogg')],
['canvas', (s: SVG) => s.canvas()],
['iframe', (s: SVG) => s.iframe('somehtml.html')],
['video', (s: SVG) =>'video.mp4')],
// animation
// TODO ['animation', (s: SVG) => (s as Animatable).animate()]
const images = document.querySelectorAll('.svg-test')
const [width, height] = [400, 250]
const viewBox = `0 0 ${width / 4} ${height / 4}`
console.log({ viewBox })
for (const image of images) {
const svg = SVG.on(image).size(width, height).stroke(Colors.Text)
// scale up to emphasize stroke width
svg.attribute('viewBox', viewBox)
// const svg = SVG2(500, 500) // TODO functional interface (but a lot of intellisense, more than the object one)
const name = image.dataset.draw
const drawer = drawers.get(name!)
const figcaption = document.createElement('figcaption')
figcaption!.innerHTML = ''
figcaption!.querySelector('pre')!.textContent = `${('' + drawer!).replace(/\(s.*\) => /, '')}`
if (drawer) {
} else {
console.log(`${name} is not a function`)