Minimalistic SVG library
Like stated in Simple SVG in Javascript creating SVGs doesn't have to be hard. I want to take this a little further and show how to create a minimalistic SVG library in JavaScript (but any language will do).
Example usage:
{{ include “/articles/minimalistic-svg-library/usage.js” }}
Which renders an SVG which contains a circle, a line and a rectangle:
The library itself
The code is almost 15 lines.
{{ include “/articles/minimalistic-svg-library/msvg.js” }}
That's all. Can you make it smaller? Faster? Better? Leaner?
Extend it
Create a primitive function to take out the guessing.
{{ include “/articles/minimalistic-svg-library/extend-line.js” }}
Or a function to create a group element:
{{ include “/articles/minimalistic-svg-library/extend-group.js” }}
No more guessing?
It takes some guessingRTFM to look up the
parameters. SVG isn't very consistent (x/y? cx/cy? x1/y1? dx/dy? transform? what me worry?).
To mitigate this I am currently working on a SVG library in TypeScript that takes out the guessing. A preview: esveegee. Still I think a minimalistic library like this has its place.
The W3C SVG Logo including a link: