Change the length of the sides to calculate the hypotenuse (the longest side of
a right-angled triangle). Click anywhere in the image to do this. It is a bit
clumsy, but you will manage :-)
const settings = {
textColor : '#4b4b4b' ,
primaryColor : '#ce5127' ,
brandColor : '#e98a70' ,
secondaryColor : '#27a2cc' ,
tertiaryColor : '#86cfe4' ,
backgroundColor : '#F9F4F2'
const canvas = document .querySelector ('canvas' )
const context = canvas .getContext ('2d' )
const [width , height ] = [canvas .width , canvas .height ]
const gridSize = 50
const margin = 2 * gridSize
let [a , b ] = [5 , 12 ]
let c = Math .sqrt (a * a + b * b )
context .font = '36px Helvetica'
context .textBaseline = 'middle'
context .fillStyle = settings ? settings .tertiaryColor : 'black'
context .lineWidth = 10
context .miterLimit = 1
context .strokeStyle = 'white'
const drawBackground = () => {
context .save ()
context .fillRect (0 , 0 , width , height )
context .lineWidth = 2
context .strokeStyle = settings ? settings .secondaryColor : 'black'
context .beginPath ()
for (let x = gridSize ; x < width ; x += gridSize ) {
context .moveTo (x , 0 )
context .lineTo (x , height )
for (let y = gridSize ; y < height ; y += gridSize ) {
context .moveTo (0 , y )
context .lineTo (width , y )
context .stroke ()
context .beginPath ()
context .lineWidth = 5
context .strokeStyle = 'black'
context .moveTo (2 * gridSize , 0 )
context .lineTo (2 * gridSize , height )
context .moveTo (0 , 6 * gridSize )
context .lineTo (width , 6 * gridSize )
context .stroke ()
context .restore ()
const drawTriangle = () => {
context .save ()
context .scale (1 , -1 )
context .translate (margin , margin - height )
context .beginPath ()
context .moveTo (0 , 0 )
context .lineTo (0 , gridSize * a )
context .lineTo (gridSize * b , 0 )
context .closePath ()
context .stroke ()
context .lineWidth = 5
context .beginPath ()
context .moveTo (0 , 25 )
context .lineTo (25 , 25 )
context .lineTo (25 , 0 )
context .stroke ()
context .restore ()
const drawNumbers = () => {
context .save ()
context .fillStyle = 'black'
context .fillText (`a = ${ a } `, 2.25 * gridSize , 4.5 * gridSize )
context .fillText (`b = ${ b } `, 6.25 * gridSize , 6.5 * gridSize )
context .fillText (`c = √(a ² + b ²)`, 7.25 * gridSize , 1.5 * gridSize )
context .fillText (`c = √(${ a } ² + ${ b } ²)`, 7.25 * gridSize , 2.5 * gridSize )
context .fillText (`c = ≈${ c .toFixed (2 )} `, 7.25 * gridSize , 3.5 * gridSize )
context .restore ()
const update = () => {
drawBackground ()
drawTriangle ()
drawNumbers ()
const touch = e => {
const rect = canvas .getBoundingClientRect ()
const [x , y ] = [e .clientX - rect .left , e .clientY - rect .top ]
a = 6 - ~~(y / gridSize )
b = ~~(x / gridSize ) - 3
c = Math .sqrt (a * a + b * b )
update ()
canvas .addEventListener ('click' , touch )
canvas .addEventListener ('touch' , touch )
update ()